Facts About Starlings an Infographic

Scientific name: Sturnus vulgaris
Average weight: 2 to 3.6 ounces
Average wingspan: 12 to 16 inches
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Facts About Starlings an Infographic
Scientific name: Sturnus vulgaris
Average weight: 2 to 3.6 ounces
Average wingspan: 12 to 16 inches
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Exclude Pest Pigeons from your Property with Pigeon Netting
Pigeons can create a major problem for property owners and their managers. Regrettably, the larger the building, the bigger the problem and, in turn, more reason to exclude pigeons. For strip malls, warehouses, loading docks, hangars and other large structures, pigeons can quickly become a very costly nuisance. The birds often nest under awnings, overhangs, open roofs and covered beams in breezeways. Continue reading →
How to Keep Birds Out of Your Garden
It’s spring, and with it come birds, all eager to nibble and peck at the ripening fruits and vegetables in your garden. You will want to keep birds out of your garden this spring because robins will feast on your prized veggies. Crows will quickly devour almost every kind of fruit. And starlings with their vast numbers can quickly destroy your strawberries, blueberries, grapes, tomatoes, peaches, figs, apples and cherries. Without proper bird control measures, your garden will be at the mercy of spring birds. Fortunately, the bird control pros at Bird B Gone have several humane and effective solutions. Continue reading →
Starlings and the Grain/Agriculture Industry
European starlings cost growers as much as $800 million in the US annually. The loud, obnoxious, destructive birds steal grain, ravage crops and crowd out native bird species. The problem is that starlings move in vast numbers, which often descend on a field, orchard or grain area. A migrating flock of starlings can number 100,000 birds. Another problematic factor is that starlings now have fewer natural predators to keep their numbers in check. Continue reading →
The Facts on Nesting Pest Birds Infographic
It’s Spring and birds are building nests. Unfortunately they often choose buildings and homes to build them on. But don’t disturb those nests until you know if that bird is protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. Get the facts… Check out this Bird Nesting Infographic.
If they are a protected bird; their nests, eggs and young can not be tampered with. So the best way to keep these unwanted yearly guests away is to install humane bird deterrents before they arrive.
This infographic covers information about:
This helpful bird nesting infographic will also offer key information about the nests that are Federally protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) or by the Endangered Species Act (ESA). This way, you will be educated about the most effective and lawful way to deter unwanted birds and their nests!
A complete list of protected birds by the ESA can be
found at U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
These laws can impose costly penalties for anyone who disturbs
nests, hatchlings, or harms the birds in any way. The MBTA and
ESA do allow for passive measures of bird control, such as humane
deterrent and repellent measures and devices. The MBTA and ESA
also allow for modifying or degrading land that is part of a migratory
bird habitat.
Greimex is the Sole Representative of Bird b gone in Mauritius contact us on info@greimex.net for more details on Bird b gone products.
Why Pest Birds Want to Nest on Your Building
If you own or manage a building, you know that pest birds can be a costly problem. Nesting pest birds create roof damage, block ventilation systems, start fires in electrical signage, damage solar panels, and leave disease carrying droppings that must be cleaned on a regular basis, especially if you serve, store or display foods.
Food, Water, Shelter
Pest birds are always looking for a place to roost and nest on buildings and commercial property. They need a place that’s high enough from ground predators and close enough to food and water sources. Continue reading →
Nesting Birds on Your Home? How to Get Rid of Them
It’s that time again, time when pest birds seek out places to nest. Your home has all sorts of lofty nooks and crannies that offer refuge from weather and predators, and within easy access to food and water. Common places to nest include under eaves, vents, under solar panels, porch light fixtures, patio covers, even rain gutters. The most effective way to prevent birds from nesting around your home is to be proactive. And that means installing effective and humane bird deterrents before birds arrive. Here’s what the bird control pros at Bird-B-Gone recommend: Continue reading →
How to Keep Pest Birds from Building Nests on Your Property
The simple truth is that many buildings and structures are bird magnets. They offer all manner of nooks and crannies where birds can build safe nests (like attics, eaves, overhangs or similar semi-open areas). Many properties have standing water (left over from rains, snow or sprinkler systems), giving birds easy access to water. And far too many have open trash containers, open dipsy-dumpsters, or food scraps lying under tables around lunch areas. Commercial signage is another bird lure, for birds love to build nests in these areas warmed by electric bulbs. The same holds true for rooftop AC units, solar panels and other rooftop structures. Continue reading →
What Every Property Owner/Manager Needs to Know About Geese
If you own or manage any type of structure or property, there are some facts you need to know about geese to prevent these large birds from damaging your property.
Geese love to gather around lakeshores, ponds, golf courses, sports fields and any dwellings that happen to be near them. The birds prefer nesting sites on elevated, secluded areas near bodies of water. They will return to the area of their birth each year to mate and nest. Nesting season is mid March to May, so the time to implement proactive deterrents/repellents is now.
Most Geese have a wide wingspan (up to 75 inches), which allows them to fly up to 1,500 miles in a single day. When migrating, they will “pond hop” and forage for food. This can be very destructive to plants and property, as mature Canada geese can weigh up to 14 pounds. They can quickly denude and trample green vegetation, grasses and aquatic plants, leaving large amounts of droppings in their wake. Continue reading →
The Swallows are Coming. Are You Prepared?
The swallows are on their way, looking for places to roost and nest for Spring. Will they choose your building? They will if you’re not prepared to deter them with effective bird control measures.
In these tough times, you may not have the budget for removing the unsightly mud nests swallows typically build on building facades. You may also not have the time and money to re-paint your building(s) after the swallows leave ugly splotches on your walls. Continue reading →